Electronics Engineer Licensure Examination October 2012 Passers

Congratulations, AMOR, CINDY SOTEA, for passing the PROFESSIONAL TEACHER board exam on 09/16!

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  • 2017-01-18 : kpop jun : Good luck on your profession. Congratulations for passing..!

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Electronics Engineer Licensure Examination October 2012 Passers

The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) published the results of the Electronics Engineer and Electronics Technician Licensure Examinations held in the Middle East in October 2012. 3 out of 41 or 7.3% passed the Electronics Engineer Licensure Examination and 6 out of 15 or 40% passed the Electronics Technician Licensure Examination conducted by the Board of Electronics Engineering in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates; Al-Khobar and Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and in Doha, Qatar.

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